Acupuncture is a beautiful medicine which treats the whole person, supporting us to come into balance and harmony. The stress of fertility issues can be eased by this safe and supportive practice. Acupuncture can support natural conception and help when undertaking the various assisted fertility treatments such as IVF. Couples and single woman are all welcome.
I also offer treatment throughout pregnancy, induction treatments and after birth care.
As one of the founding Affiliated Acupuncturist members of the Zita West network for Reproductive Health I have been at the forefront of integrating acupuncture and holistic therapies to support women and couples and boost the chances of IVF treatment working.
Research suggests the effect of treatment may be cumulative so we recommend commencing the week before you begin your cycle, if not earlier. Ideally, we should start treatment 3 menstrual cycles prior to your IVF starting to support, regulate and nourish you. Research in 2016 by Homerton University Hospital showed Acupuncture during the IVF process doubles the chances of successful pregnancy.
Supporting Fertility with Acupuncture, Zita West Network
As part of the Zita West network I receive ongoing research, training and support in Zita West’s holistic approach to achieving optimum reproductive health. This covers a range of treatments for women, men and non binary persons. Treatments to help boost fertility, enhance IVF, IUI, improve pregnancy, enhance birth outcomes and afterwards support post-natal recovery.
I have twenty four years experience of working with couples and single people who are undertaking IVF, IVI, ICSI and other protocols, providing support throughout their treatment and process. I also provide treatment for people who wish to improve their chances of natural conception and do not wish to go down the assisted fertility treatment route. I have supported many in their quest to become a parent. To date there are over 509 baby photos on the baby welcome board in the clinic!
"I am currently going through IVF and was recommended to use Maxine by a friend of mine who had used Maxine when going through IVF herself. I suffer from endometriosis and have one ovary having had one removed due to a large infected cyst.
During my first appointment, I explained to Maxine about my fear of needles. When going for blood tests having injections etc I would feel faint, tense up, break down and get myself into a state. After a couple of sessions, Maxine made me feel totally relaxed and helped me get through my fear of needles. Without Maxine, I honestly don't know how I would have been able to get through injecting myself each night during IVF. I no longer have that fear and in fact can't wait for them to be inserted!
It has also helped reduce a cyst that I had on my only ovary and helped me feel de-stressed throughout the whole cycle. Maxine is an amazing lady who instantly makes you feel positive during what is such a difficult time emotionally. Her support and knowledge is outstanding and I will always be ever so grateful to her for this." A.A.B
For further information, please contact Maxine Smillie.